The Weather Channel saw an 80% improvement in load time after shipping Progressive Web Apps in 62 languages to 178 countries.
A community-driven list of stats and news related to Progressive Web Apps brought to you by Cloud Four
The Weather Channel saw an 80% improvement in load time after shipping Progressive Web Apps in 62 languages to 178 countries.
The Forbes Progressive Web App's homepage completely loads in just 0.8 seconds.
Forbes redesigned their mobile experience as a PWA resulting in 43% increase in sessions per user, ad viewability up 20%, and 100% more engagement.
Forbes’ PWA test saw 2× increase in average user session length, 6× completion rate, and 20% more impressions. Loads in 0.8s down from 3 to 12s.
Forbes’ PWA loads in 2.5 seconds on mobile compared to 6.5 seconds for its previous site. Impressions per visit are up 10%.
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